Trafficking has appeared a long time ago, it has long gone through the history, and unfortunately, even after such a long period of human development it still exists. Throughout history, trafficking has changed only its name but not its purpose.
Unfortunately, today some people are still born into slavery (so-called hereditary slavery), especially in parts of West Africa and South Asia. In 2013, modern slavery has many forms, and is known by many names. Whether it’s called human trafficking, forced labor, slavery or practices similar to slavery (a category involving debt slavery, forced or contracted marriages, selling or exploiting children), the victims of modern slavery cannot enjoy freedom, and are used and controlled and exploited by another person for profit, sex, or domination. Or, with the simplest words, human trafficking is the most severe use of human body and labor for the purpose of economic wealth of individuals.
The chains of modern slavery are not always physical – sometimes escalating debts, intimidation, fraud, isolation, fear, or even a ‘marriage’ that a young woman or girlfriend is forced into without her consent can be used to hold the person against her will, without the need for locks or chains. Modern slavery is insufficiently understood, which is why it remains hidden within the homes, the community or in the fields.
Criminals are creative and use all available means to conceal, rationalize, and justify slavery – be it race, ethnicity, religion, sex, caste, “custom” or any other excuse or vulnerability. slavery is not always obvious, such as some other crimes, murder or even theft. Modern slavery involves extreme abuse of power / power, which is not always immediately visible, and at the same time requires a wider understanding of people and the relationships involved.
Trafficking is a form of modern slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. Trafficking is a crime that is often unreported due to its hidden nature, misunderstandings, its definition and lack of awareness of its indicators at the local level.
According to the Global Indifference Index 2013 [1], 29.8 million people are in modern slavery in the world. Every year, traffickers generate billions of dollars of profit by exploiting millions of people around the world. Human trafficking has been recognized as one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. As well as trafficking in drugs and weapons, trafficking is also driven by a market that is based on the principle of supply and demand. Trafficking is driven by the demand for cheap labor or services or for sexual services. Traffickers are the ones who use the victims in trying to make their profits through existing demand. It is still said that human trafficking is a high-profit and low-risk crime that is caused by traffickers.
Trafficking exists in every country in the world, regardless of socioeconomic status, history or political structure. Modern slavery is a global issue. Some countries have a bigger problem than others do, but in fact, this crime affects us all. Trafficking does not know the borders, and the products of modern slavery spill over into global supply chains, in local shops, and eventually in our homes.
According to the US Department of Labor, 122 products have been identified, in 58 countries produced by forced labor, child labor, or both, which on the other hand are causing states to harness consumer power to end widely widespread exploitation by raising public awareness of selecting goods that are not soiled by forced labor or child labor.
Many of the problems that help modern slavery to develop are also global: corruption, conflicts, poverty, discrimination and the impact of the poor or in deteriorating economic conditions and negative environmental change.
Trafficking is a modern form of slavery of the 21st century. Millions of women, children and men are forced into prostitution, domestic servitude, work on fields, begging and other types of coercion. Traffickers created the international human trafficking market based on high profits and demand for commercial sex and cheap labor.
According to ILO’s latest report [2] (International Labor Organization), it is estimated that 20.9 million men, women and children are trafficked to exploit them for the purposes of commercial sex or forced labor around the world today and are in a state that who can not leave, were forced or deceived, that is, at any given moment in time, about three out of every 1,000 people in the world suffer forced labor. Victims were trafficked into and across international borders. Although most forms of modern slavery are illegal throughout the world, existing statistics suggest that laws are rarely used and enforced. According to the Human Trafficking Report 2013, the US Department of State [3] noted that while 46,570 trafficking victims were officially identified in 2012, there were only 7,705 indictments and 4750 defendants globally.
In fact, the reality of modern slavery is that today millions of people are in captivity, serving the criminals they control.
So far, almost every country in the world has committed itself to preventing and eradicating modern forms of slavery by applying appropriate measures (national policies and laws, agreements with international conventions, etc.).
“97 countries or 49. 7% of the member states of the United Nations are part of the 1926 Slavery Convention; 23 countries or 63.7% of the member states of the United Nations are part of the Supplemental Slavery Convention of 1957; 176 countries or 91.1% of the member states of the United Nations are part of the Convention on Forced Labor Relations; 154 countries or 79.7% of the member states of the United Nations are part of the United Nations Trafficking Protocol. ” [4]
It is believed that individuals, civil society organizations, and trade unions play a role in resolving this gross violation of human rights, but only the governments of states are those who have the power to pass criminal and other relevant laws, and to allocate the national budget for fundin[1]
Available at: http: // www. globalslaveryindex. org /, Accessed on: 12/10/2013
[2] “ILO Global Estimate of Forced Labor: Results and Methodology”, (2012), International Labor Organization, / http: // www. ilo. org / wcmsp5 / groups / public / — ed_norm / — declaration / documents / publication / wcms_181953. pdf
[3] Human Trafficking Report June 2013 State Department of the United States: p. 46: http: // www. state. gov / documents / organization / 210737. pdf
[4] The Global Slavery Index 2013, Available at: http: // cde. peru21. pe / doc / 0/0/1/5/9/159661. pdf, Accessed on: 16/06/2014g and law enforcement.