The Association of Action Against Violence and Trafficking in Human Beings-Open Gate/La Strada , and The University Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic UGOC – Skopje made an official cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation( the Memorandum). The Memorandum is focused to ensure necessary medical examinations for victims and potential victims of human trafficking and other vulnerable groups, implementation of contraceptive measures for the victims as well as the implementation of training for the medical staff for proper treatment of victims of human trafficking.
The medical Director of UGOC Dr. Victoria Jovanovska and the Organizational Director of UGOC Ajrula Mustafa, and the Executive Director of Open Gate, Jasmina Dimishkovska Rajkovska, officially signed the Memorandum on the premises of UGOC Skopje. With the aim of successful medical cooperationthe Director Dr. Jovanovska welcomed the initiative to support victims of human trafficking and other vulnerable categories of women.
Representatives of Open Gate, the Executive Director – Jasmina Dimishkovska Rajkovska, the Program Director – Marija Todorovska and the Coordinator for direct help and support LenčeMarković, those present were introduced to the existence of the problem of human trafficking in our country, the method of recognition and the possibility of referral to an appropriate institution where adequate help and support could be given to victims of human trafficking.
Materials were also distributed on recognizing the signs by the persons themselves, whether they are victims of human trafficking and given contacts to report and ask for help. Expressing the purpose of the importance of inter-institutional cooperation, representatives of the Inter-municipal Center for Social Work Skopje were present at the event, as well as representatives of the Mobile Team from Skopje who shared their experiences of support and the need for support of citizens’ associations.
On the part of the experts present, doctors-gynecologists and nurses, who are the first to meet the person, showed a great interest in where to report a case if they come in contact with such a person and what kind of help will be offered. The social workers and gynecologists of UGOC highlighted the previous good cooperation with Open Gate and they hope to improve the services and overcome possible problems if they arise.